Whew—three of us from Ukuleles of Paradise (Jim, Cynthia and myself, with help from Jim’s sister-in-law, Susan) helped local kids play the ukulele for the first time this morning at the Paradise Library and I’m tired this afternoon! We were invited as part of the library’s “Get A Clue” summer reading program for kids; the librarian billed us on the promo flyers as: “Ukulele Bands: Join Tonya and her band for a rip-roaringly fun ukulele lesson.” (Please note I had nothing to do with the flyer and no, I do not have a band.) Anyway, we had the largest crowd they’ve had all summer—more than 30 kids, from two to 12 years; there’s nothing like a big age difference to make the teaching really challenging! A handful of parents showed up, too…thankfully.