Sprinkling ukulele happiness!
Join us for a little kanikapila
on the World Wide Web.

Local kids experience the ukulele


Whew—three of us from Ukuleles of Paradise (Jim, Cynthia and myself, with help from Jim’s sister-in-law, Susan) helped local kids play the ukulele for the first time this morning at the Paradise Library and I’m tired this afternoon! We were invited as part of the library’s “Get A Clue” summer reading program for kids; the librarian billed us on the promo flyers as: “Ukulele Bands: Join Tonya and her band for a rip-roaringly fun ukulele lesson.” (Please note I had nothing to do with the flyer and no, I do not have a band.) Anyway, we had the largest crowd they’ve had all summer—more than 30 kids, from two to 12 years; there’s nothing like a big age difference to make the teaching really challenging! A handful of parents showed up, too…thankfully.

Plunkin’ in the Park

Ukuleles of Paradise is spreading ukulele aloha around the Paradise community! That’s right, during the summer months we’re meeting at Paradise Community Memorial Park for our occasional jamming sessions. This gives us a bit of “public” exposure and it’s a lot of fun to play as the sun sets (don’t forget your mosquito repellent!) against […]