25 of us played “Clementine” last night…


In three months the “Ukuleles of Paradise” group has gone from 6 folks to 13 to 25! That’s right, we had passle of people at last night’s meeting (we’re looking for a new, roomier location), most of whom had never picked up an ukulele before. Thanks to the “experienced” folks (Harry, Cynthia, Andy, Vince and Norm), there was enough help and instruction to go around and the new players tackled four songs and three strums by the end of the evening.

Here’s the beginner packet materials for group members; it includes a chord chart (thanks to Rodney Lopez, Sr.), tuning instructions, strumming patterns (thank you, Joyce Flaugher) and a few two- and three-chord songs. Note: If you bring a friend to a future meeting, please print out this set of materials in advance so we don’t have to do so much photocopying—thanks! Also, this is the link to online ukulele resources as well as the PDF for buying a beginner ukulele.

How’s that “Jamaica Farewell” strum doing? Don’t forget it’s D(own), R(oll down), U(p), U(p), D(own), U(p).