Picture a woman who dances. Dances hula, specifically. Graceful, yes. Expressive, yes. Skilled, of course. Now add to that the ability to share a true sense of aloha, a reverence for her Hawaiian heritage and enough beauty, class and style to fill a Tiffany store and you have Kanoelehua Miller. And she spent 2.5 hours […]

Dancing (hula) with Kanoe…

Loud, crowded bar–but John Keawe made it sing
Sigh…I’m still smiling after watching/listening to John Keawe play last evening. –Yes, the bar at the Royal Kona Resort (Kailua Kona, Island of Hawai’i) was crowded. –Yes, I know John plays there once a month as well as several other locations on island regularly (and, darn, we won’t be able to be at any others […]

A Moore Bettah Ukulele for me? Oh, yes!
Or, “How I found the holy grail of ukuleles and took one back home”
I’m sure I’ve lost many of you in the two years since I confessed that I was seriously searching for a second ukulele during a visit to Hawai’i.
Makes sense. I’m not sure I’d have stuck around either after reading that an ukulele player (owner of just one ukulele!) explored the finest ukulele shops Oahu had to offer—with a valid credit card clutched tightly in hand—and yet rejected all the instruments she found.
But (after lots of non-ukulele-related busy-ness and some family health issues) I’m back to tell you “the rest of the story.” And for us ukulele aficionados, it’s pretty darn exciting because it involves one of the holy grail four-stringers: a Moore Bettah ukulele.