Let’s start this off with honesty. Total honesty. I play ukulele with great enthusiasm—but not a whole bunch of skill. But I rarely stop smiling when I play. So perhaps that explains what I’m going to relate here. I played ukulele—to an appreciative audience. Of strangers, even (I mean, really, family doesn’t count when they […]

My first audience!

…And guess what we just happened to catch on our drive to Kona side?
Kahumoku ‘Ohana Hawaiian Music and Lifestyle Workshop, 8th annual Nov. 3-10, 2013 It’s never fun to leave good friends, but it was lucky (for me, at least—‘not sure how very fortunate Mark thought it was) that the day we drove across Hawai’i Island from Chuck and Bonnie’s place was the final day of the 8th […]